This site uses cookies, you can see our cookies policy here. If you continue browsing you are accepting
Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small text file which is sent to your computer or mobile device (referred to in this policy as a “device”) by the web server so that the website can remember some information about your browsing activity on the website.

The cookie will collect information relating to your use of our sites and information about your device. If you are a registered user or subscriber it may also collect your name and email address, which may be transferred to data processors for registered user or subscriber verification purposes.

The objective of using Cookies is the personalization of the website. The purpose is to optimize the navigation and the correct function of our website, improve our services and show contents or ads related with user's preferences through the habits analysis.

In PsMailer, we obey the “ Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información, norma que ha recogido la transposición de la Directiva 2009/136/CE” known as the “Law of Cookies”.